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Cerita Liburan Ke Pantai Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Liburan Ke Pantai Dalam Bahasa Inggris

cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

1. cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris


Berikut ini adalah contoh cerita singkat liburan ke pantai dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya



At The Seaside

Last year, Mr dan Mrs. Jones and their family went to the seaside for their summer holidays. They left the city very early in the morning on the 31st of July. The weather was not very fine and they wore their overcoats because they felt cold. At 10 o'clock, the sun began to shine, and two hours later, when I met them at the station the sun was shining brightly. They took off their overcoats and we all went to the same restaurant where we sat down to a good lunch. We ate fish and some very good mutton, and drank two bottles of excellent wine.

After lunch, we went to the sea, which my little girl Betty saw for the first time. We lay in the sun for two hours and then we went into the water which was very warm. When we came out of the water, the sun burnt us, so we sat down in the shade of some rocks. Mr. Jones lit a cigarette and I read the newspaper.

Then we all went back to our hotel. Mrs. Jones wrote a few letters and postcards, whilst Mr. Jones and I played a game of billiards.

After dinner, we went out and saw the sun set in a bright red sky. Then we went to bed, and slept very well.

The next morning, I awoke late, got up and had breakfast. My little girl wanted to fo into the sea again, but the wind blew so hard that it was not possible to bathe. We went out, however, and stood and looked at the sea for some time. It was very beautiful. I told Betty to hold her hat, but she held it only for a minute or two and then let it go. The wind blew it off, and away it went. A small boy brought it back to us and I have him 5 p

That was not all. When we were going back to the hotel. Betty fell down, tore her dress and cut her hand. The day began badly for her.

In the afternoon, the wind stopped and we went on the pier where we heeard a very good concert.

I met some friends and asked them to come with us for a walk along the cliffs. We went for a long walk which the children enjoyed very much. The end of the day was better than the beginning.


Di Pesisir Pantai

Tahun lalu, Bapak dan Ibu Jones dan keluarga mereka pergi ke pantai untuk liburan musim panas mereka. Mereka meninggalkan kota pagi - pagi sekali pada tanggal 31 Juli. Cuacanya tidak terlalu baik dan mereka mengenakan mantel karena merasa dingin. Pada jam 10 siang, matahari mulai bersinar, dan dua jam kemudian, ketika saya bertemu mereka di stasiun, matahari bersinar terang. Mereka melepas mantel mereka dan kami semua pergi ke restoran yang sama di mana kami duduk untuk makan siang yang enak. Kami makan ikan dan daging kambing yang sangat lezat, dan minum dua botol anggur yang sangat segar.

Setelah makan siang, kami pergi ke laut, yang pertama kali dilihat gadis kecilku Betty. Kami berbaring di bawah sinar matahari selama dua jam dan kemudian kami pergi ke air yang sangat hangat. Ketika kami keluar dari air, matahari membakar kami, jadi kami duduk di bawah naungan beberapa batu. Tuan Jones menyalakan sebatang rokok dan saya membaca koran.

Kemudian kami semua kembali ke hotel. Ny. Jones menulis beberapa surat dan kartu pos, sementara Tuan Jones dan saya memainkan permainan biliar.

Setelah makan malam, kami keluar dan melihat matahari terbenam di langit merah yang cerah. Kemudian kami pergi ke kasur, dan tidur nyenyak.

Pagi berikutnya, saya bangun terlambat, bangun dan sarapan. Gadis kecil saya ingin pergi ke laut lagi, tetapi angin bertiup kencang sehingga tidak mungkin untuk mandi. Namun, kami keluar dan berdiri dan memandangi laut selama beberapa waktu. Itu sangat indah. Saya mengatakan kepada Betty untuk memegang topinya, tetapi dia memegangnya hanya satu atau dua menit dan kemudian melepaskannya. Angin meniupnya, dan pergi. Seorang anak lelaki kecil membawanya kembali kepada kami dan saya memilikinya 5 pondsterling

Bukan itu saja. Ketika kami akan kembali ke hotel. Betty jatuh, merobek gaunnya dan mematahkan tangannya. Hari itu mulai buruk baginya.

Di sore hari, angin berhenti dan kami pergi ke dermaga di mana kami mendengar konser yang sangat bagus.

Saya bertemu dengan beberapa teman dan meminta mereka untuk ikut berjalan - jalan di sepanjang tebing. Kami pergi berjalan - jalan yang sangat dinikmati anak - anak. Akhir dari hari itu lebih baik dari pada awalnya.


Detail Jawaban

Kelas         : 7

Mapel        : Bahasa Inggris

Bab            : Reading And Conversation

Kode          : 7.5.4

Kata Kunci : Short story, Beach, Seaside

2. cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

Holiday story to the beach
holiday story to the beach.

3. cerita tentang liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

Tour to Pangandaran Beach

At the end of second semesters ago, my class conducted tours to Pangandaran Beach. We decided to go to Pangandaran Beach by renting a bus. That day was very enjoyable holiday for us because we went together to relieve our fatigue after having a final exams.

Pangandaran Beach Tour was started at 08.00 in the morning. Our trip to the beach spent time for 2 hours on the way. There are so many stories and experience which we had there. We sang all the time along our way till the 2 hours did not seem long for us. Instead we felt the time passed quickly.

We arrived at 10:00 am at Pangandaran Beach. We cannot wait to feel the happiness in Pangandaran beach which is famous for its beauty. After our bus was parked, we all headed to hut to put our stuff there. Even there some my friends were already heading to the beach. After that we went to replace our clothes to swim. After that we headed to the beach together.

We were very pleased and happy to play on the beach. There were so many activities that we did on that day, such as swimming, water playing, chasing each other on the seashore, and banana boat riding. Even I was buried in the sand by my friends until my whole body covered with sand beach. We all played on the beach up to 2 hours.

Right at 12 o’clock, we all had a rest for lunch. We all opened stock that we carried from our home. We ate together near the lodge by making a circle. We felt family and togetherness atmosphere at that time. We also shared food one another. That moment is so unforgettable.

After having a meal, we all took a rest with lounging around the beach. My friends which are good at playing guitar began to play his guitar while we sang together. After being pleased with singing, we all went to enjoy the beauty of the beach once again. There were some of my friends swim back, but there were also who went for shopping around the coast. I enjoyed the beauty of the beach by sitting on the beach.

After 4:00 o’clock we all started to clean up, take a shower and change our clothes to go home. Before returning home, we took a picture together as our fond memories. The day was very fast and we also had to go home. At 6:00 o’clock we arrived at the school. After that we went to home each other. It was a wonderful experience.

4. Sebuah cerita rencana berlibur ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

i plan to go to the beach with my family next week. it is going to be a school holiday and everyone will have finished their final exams. i have wanted to go to a beach since a very long time, so for this holiday my father have planned a beautiful one to Bali where we can visit the beach there

5. ceritakan pengalaman tentang liburan ke laut/pantai dengan bahasa inggris!

Last holiday, my family and I went to Jatimalang beach. That time, I was so disappointed because earlier my Mother said we'll visit Mangrove area. But the time when I got there, I've amazed. There were so many impressive kite. The thing I don't know, there was a kite festival in there. I regreted that I wasn't took any picture of them. But my sister did. I really grateful of that. In our way home, we've visited Taman Edukasi Mangrove Demang Gedi. That day, I have learned so many things. Things that could change my future.

Semoga membantu^^

6. cerita liburan di pantai losari bersama ibu dalam bahasa inggris

Holiday at Losari beach with my mother

7. Contoh cerita liburan ke pantai (singkat) dalam bahasa inggris.

yesterday, exactly on sunday afternoon on 3 pm,i felt really bored and because of that i went to my friend's home,then while talking too much and have some much fun. my friend and i had an idea which took us to the beach,and i went to the beach with my school's friend with them that's really good because i did not have any activities at that time, and that's story.Last summer, i went yo the beach with my family. I went to Senggigi beach that located at Lombok. In Senggigi beach, the water are still clean, and the view was really nice there. I also went snorkeling with my dad. I saw many creatures there. It was my best holiday.

8. Cerita Pengalaman liburan dipantai (dengan bahasa inggris yang benar)

A Day At The Beach (Short Story) 

One sunny day I went to the beach with my family. I went with my mum, my dad and my little brother. We had so much fun we built
sand castles,went swimming and splashed each
other we were having the best time ever! until I went for another swim and I didn't realize how far out I was. IT was really scary I didn't know what to do but luckily a kind dolphin came and saved me and it took me for a ride out in the ocean it was like.

I was in a world of my own but while I was doing that my family were worried sick. The dolphin thought that my family was going to be worried so it took me back to shore and the dolphin waved it's flipper goodbye and I said "thankyou for taking me on this wonderful adventure it was awesome!" my family ran over to me they were very glad to see me back with them so we went back home and we were all very happy.Last week's holiday, I went the road with my family. my family and i chose to visit kuta beach in bali. there is very beautiful with the charm of white sand and beautiful. a lot of foreign tourists who visit also there.

9. Cerita singkat bahasa inggris liburan ke pantai pangandaran

buatin dulu pake Indonesia nanti diartikan

10. cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris secara singkat

last holiday i and my family went to beach, at there we swimming, play volly ball, make sand palace with my brother. after we tired do the activitys we go to ate at tje restaurant near the beach. after that we go home. the end

11. cerita liburan di pantai losari dalam bahasa inggris

cari di google aja ada ko the holiday

12. saya mau cerita liburan ke pantai dan bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya

I want / will go to a beach for the holiday
I will spend my holiday in a beach :)

kalau udah tau pantainya di mana, jadinya the beach, bukan a beach
I want to tell a vocation to the beac and

13. Cerita Pengalaman liburan dipantai (dengan bahasa inggris yang benar)

A Day at the Beach
One sunny day I went to the beach with my family. I went with my mum, my dad and my little brother. We had so much fun we built
sand castles,went swimming and splashed each
other we were having the best time ever! until I went for another swim and I didn't realize how far out I was. IT was really scary I didn't know what to do but luckily a kind dolphin came and saved me and it took me for a ride out in the ocean it was like.

I was in a world of my own but while I was doing that my family were worried sick. The dolphin thought that my family was going to be worried so it took me back to shore and the dolphin waved it's flipper goodbye and I said "thankyou for taking me on this wonderful adventure it was awesome!" my family ran over to me they were very glad to see me back with them so we went back home and we were all very happy.My Norwegian Summer Holiday

Last year I described my surprise at Norway's Big July Shutdown, when pretty much the entire country takes their vacation. This year, I was a little more prepared for it.

My family joined me for a few weeks and we travelled around some of Norway's prettiest places. We took in two UNESCO World Heritage sites – the Næerøyfjord and Røros – and experienced every weather condition known to man, from torrential rainstorms to glorious sunshine, and everything in between.

14. Cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya singkat !

I want Pwegi to go to the beach with my family for a vacation when we get there we are very satisfied playing on the beach and we are happy and satisfied

15. Cerita singkat liburan ke pantai parangtritis dengan bahasa inggris

today is holiday...
i am and my family should to traveling..
we want go to the beach,because the beach so good for us..
in the beach i am swimming pool,so take a photos,so play the sand..
i feel so happy play in the beach

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